Henry Jonasson - CEO
Email: henry.jonasson(at)maincon.se
Mobile: +46 70 686 91 15
Göran Furu - Learning & Performance Consultant
Email: goran.furu(at)maincon.se
Mobile: +46 70 686 95 64
Mattias Egriell - Learning Consultant
Email: mattias.egriell(at)maincon.se
Mobile: +46 70 300 83 80
Per Anders Bodin - Learning Consultant
Email: per.anders.bodin(at)maincon.se
Mobile: +46 70 376 44 80
Despite passing 50 with some knee and shoulder surgeries along the way, I refuse to give up. I still practice and compete in my favourite sports: football, tennis, hockey and golf. Some might ask, ”why?” ”Aren’t you too old?”
The reason is simple: it’s so much fun, and I also get my exercise out of the way. Trust me, if it’s boring exercise, I’ll find an excuse to get out of it. I used to be an active trainer for my three boys in these sports but now they’re all grown up and others have "taken over", which means that I have more time for my own sports! Besides sports, I am a big fan of rock music and a frequent user of Spotify. It does break my heart a little, however, that the old record collection mostly collects dust. On the weekends you’ll catch me watching films with the whole family. We’re kind of movie freaks. TV series, mostly from HBO, are also high on the agenda. I like to end the day with a glass of wine or a malt whiskey with the Sports News or a British crime series on tv. One might even call it an epicurean!
Me and my family live on a farm a few mil outside of Östersund, and it takes about 30 minutes door-to-door from home to work. I think it's absolutely perfect. The trip home from work gives me time for reflection and processing, which allows me let work go when I get home, and focus on my free time and my family.
As a consultant we quite often spend long hours in front of computer screens, so it feels extra nice to be able to switch gears entirely when you come home. Start the tractor and plough snow. Or take the 4-wheeler out in the woods for either pure recreation or sometimes work. Maybe an outing with the snowmobile and pack the family in the sled. Or perhaps take the boat out on the lake and go swimming.
Waking up in the morning overlooking Oviksfjällen – Storsjön - Areskutan knowing that I have a day with new challenges is an everyday luxury that really gives me a great quality of life.
I love the outdoors in general and winter activities in particular. Cycling, skiing, kayaking and camping, etc. have unfortunately remained fairly untouched in recent years with all my time going to house-building and the newest member of the family. But newer times draws near and with it, new conditions.
A lot of time and energy is of course spent on the kids and work, both important parts of my life.
If I find myself with some free time, it’s often spent exploring and experiencing, preferably with nature and adventure.
Large parts of the autumn is spent in the woods, hunting for elk, but also other game such as hare, wood grouse and black grouse.
But my greatest passion is diving. An interest that came early in life after watching Cousteau and The Silent World. Together with traveling around the world, diving is high up on my list. The sensation of floating weightlessly in a silent world, under the surface, is a never-ending source of adventure.
From a very young age I started practicing different forms of martial arts. After searching for many years, I found my form in Aikido, where only defensive techniques are practiced. The objectives of Aikido are self-defense, achieving harmony and agility, practicing concentration and physical and mental strength. Aikido differs from other sports in that there is no competing.